Finding Serenity

Four sick people, added to the regular chaos of life with two working parents, made for a VERY long week.  In fact, it was one of the hardest weeks I can remember since becoming a Mom.  Dragging myself out of bed night after night to tend to my ailing children took it’s toll on me.  Yesterday I told several co-workers that someone should just put me out to pasture…
But the show must go on.  There is no rest for the weary, or is there?  In my clinical work, I tell the new mothers that I work with that it is important to take care of themselves.  Taking a moment to nurture the nurturer is essential.  But I forgot to take my own advice.  I was just too busy.
So after I gave the kids breakfast, threw in a load of laundry, picked up the house, and met some great people at the Melrose Birth to Five concert, I finally took my own advice.  I took a time out to take care of me.  And all I could think about was-why did I wait so long?  After all, I have a supportive husband who keeps telling me to do something for myself.  I can’t come up with a valid reason that I don’t take better care of me.
I treated myself to some pampering at Adela’s Ultimate Spa in Melrose.  Flavia and Adela took great care of me.  I felt like I was lying on a cloud.  I forgot all about my to-do list.  And I stopped the constant motion that is my brain in order to just RELAX.  IT WAS AMAZING!!!  Imagine that, when I take my own advice to take care of the inner being who cares for so many, it actually feels good.
I found serenity today.  Will it last?  I hope so.  But if it doesn’t it’s ok because for a short period of time I got in touch with my inner self.  I took care of me so that I don’t burn myself out.  And that my friends is very important.
If you are a mother, a father, a grandmother, grandfather, teacher, nurse, doctor, or anyone I may have omitted who cares for others give-yourself a time out.  Get to your place of serenity.  If it is just for a short moment with a gingerbread latte at Starbucks it’s ok.  Do it today and don’t wait, please.  You are just too important.